I am on a mission to disrupt
everything you THINK you know
about nutrition
I hear it ALL the time. Â
I haven’t eaten anything all day! Â
I totally forgot to eat… Â
I had a big breakfast, so I am skipping lunch. Â
Gosh, I ate SO much tonight… I just won’t eat anything tom...
At first, this post may not seem to have a lot to do with nutrition and weight loss but stick with me. Not only do I hope you see that connection, but that you may also take with it a few other pieces...
Every couple of months I host webinars to teach our approach and I constantly hear my students tell me, over and over, that they lack confidence.Â
I get it…when you aren't at your optimal health or w...
When I was teaching middle school years ago, I used to have this poster on my wall in my classroom that said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”
I say it to my kids all the time…in fact, I shoul...
As a busy mom, wife, and business owner, I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t always done a great job of taking time for all that “self-care” that people talk about these days.
It’s not that I wasn’t...