Dawn LeBorgne

Certified PFC3 Lifestyle and Nutrition Coach

Advanced Training in Mindset Coaching


My Story:

I’ve battled the roller coaster of dieting since I was young. I can’t even remember when it started. I tried many fad diets and I never felt good- I never lost weight that stayed off. Since I hit menopause I have slowly climbed in weight and feeling lousy. I tried eating PFC3 and it worked for over 1 year but the education was missing so once again it didn’t stick. Then I met Carrie at a conference and we chatted for over 1 year before I decided to become a disruptive nutrition client. It combine the education in eating, mindset and community I needed to make this a lifestyle. Why are you passionate about helping others?
Through helping others we can also help ourselves. I can share my experience and knowledge and hopefully help others get their life’s back from the roller coaster of dieting.

What is your favourite mindset tip?
There is no right or wrong it’s just data. 

What is your favourite sustainability tip?
Morning time is key for success. 

What is your favourite nutrition tip?
You can get back on track 3 hours later

[email protected]

@Dawn LeBorgne