Boost Your Metabolism in Just 7 Days

✨ And, do it without pills, giving up carbs, counting calories, fasting, or feeling deprived.

🥗 Learn how to fuel your body for long-term success


✅ Release Weight

⚖️ Balance Your Hormones

🔥 Boost Your Energy

Yes! You CAN change your metabolism.

It's not just something you have to "live with."

At Disruptive Nutrition, we love to disrupt what people THINK they know about nutrition.

The thing is....all those trendy diets you have tried??? Cutting calories, and carbs? Eating low fat? Fasting? Keto?

The truth is, they are designed to fail...but even worse, do long term damage. That's right...anything that deprives our bodies, that allows us to lose weight fast but only to gain it all back...will cause our bodies to adapt by slowing down our metabolism.

Yep. All those diets? They have actually made you unhealthy, overweight and with a metabolism that is barely crawling.

The good news? You can start reversing this damage RIGHT NOW by learning how to fuel your body for success in my transformational online course, 7 Days to a Boosted Metabolism.

Sign me up!

In just 7 days, you can turn things around.

By the end of this program, You will…

Understand how fueling your body regularly with the right combination of foods impacts your metabolism & energy level
Experience firsthand the amazing effect of blood sugar stabilization on your hormones, mental clarity, emotional state & more
​Gain the deep and comforting knowledge that you can reach your goals without EVER having to diet again!
👋 Count me in!

Can you go all morning without eating breakfast?

Believe it or not, that's not a good thing. It means your body has found another way to get nutrients, because it doesn't believe you are going to fuel it the way it needs. So, it stops yelling at you with hunger pains and starts to just feed itself. ​

With nutrients from your muscles.

Want to know what that does? Yup...slows down your metabolism.

Learn a Better Way

I got to be honest, I didn't believe Carrie at first when she said that I, at 50 years old, could boost my metabolism. I thought I was just a victim of getting older and this would be the way it was. But I LOVE when my stomach grumbles and I look at the clock and realize it's been just over 3 hours since I've last eaten. I smile and think, "It's working! I have jumpstarted my metabolism. It's amazing.

– Michelle K, California

Disruptive Nutrition is doing things differently.

Our approach is the most effective way to adopt a nutrition lifestyle that is simple, sustainable and completely satisfying. This comprehensive, step-by-step course is for people who want something that works and that they can do for a lifetime. It's for those who want a solution that is easy to learn and that can even be modeled for our kids, too. (What diet can do that?!?!)

As a result, our clients are building the life of their dreams because they are no longer slaves to the mindsets and actions that were holding them back. When you join with us in that journey, you become part of a special squad of fellow "Diet Disruptors."

Join Us

You're just 7 days away from transforming your relationship with food and your body.

Here's what you get inside the program...

Day by Day Meal Plan

Introduction: Getting started navigating the course with a step by step tutorial on how to access the content, download materials, ask questions and get the most out of the course!

Specific Grocery List

Sustainable Nutrition: This module focuses on WHY dieting doesn't work and how we have been sabotaging our goals by doing things we thought were "healthy." We dig into what to look for in any nutritional program to ensure we can achieve our optimal health and long-term goals.

Tips and Tricks

Blood Sugar Stabilization: This module will give you the background behind blood sugar stabilization so that when you implement the strategies we teach to achieve it, you understand why it is so important and NEVER go back to even thinking that dieting is an approach you should ever attempt again!

Training Videos

The Powerful PFC Combination: Now that you understand how important blood sugar stabilization is, this next unit digs deeply into HOW to achieve that consistent stability through your food choices. By eating in the combination called "PFC Every 3" you will allow your body the macronutrients it needs and be fueling it correctly and consistently which will build trust between you and your body.

Printable Resources

Making PFC a Lifestyle: These next lessons will walk you through how to LIVE this lifestyle so it feels natural, simple and sustainable! From knowing your exact portions, to reading a label, how to effectively meal prep, travel and go to restaurants, this module walks you through all the specifics with resources galore!


1:1 Coaching Call with a Coach! (Value $150) We know how powerful it is to have a coach and let's face it, having a personalized coach is expensive but with this program, you get a personalized, one on one call with one of our certified coaches, for FREE! This is a value, in and of itself that makes this program pay for itself 5 times over!


Bonus Material: A whole module on bonus lessons that weren't part of the original course but we felt were too good to leave out, we talk more about clean eating, provide recipes, help you troubleshoot issues and even dig into one of the most important aspects of sticking with something for the longterm....our mindsets!

Let's DO THIS!

The key to boosting your metabolism? FUELING YOUR BODY.

Yup, at Disruptive Nutrition, we eat. A lot. And when you do it correctly, you can feel it working right away.  You are hungry when you should be, you have more energy, and you start to shed unwanted weight.

When you stop dieting and start giving your body what it needs, you can say goodbye to…

Weight Gain & Feeling Deprived

Once you know the formula, imagine eating more food than you ever had before, and start losing weight….for good.

Endless Sugar Cravings

When you eat correctly and your body is in balance because you are feeding it consistently with what it needs, your sugar cravings become non-existent.

Low Energy & Brain Fog

Living life with energy without needing that caffeine burst may seem impossible right now, but once you have it, you won’t ever want to lose it.

Confusion, Guilt & Frustration

Imagine never feeling guilty or confused about food again, being able to eat what you want, and knowing that your body will continue to work with you instead of against you.

What real women are saying...

The sequence of topics in the course were well organized in such a way that understanding the concept of how to boost my metabolism was simple!

The daily info and the guide were presented in a step-by-step way, not overwhelming with too much information all at once.

Also the format of a mixture of videos, readings and downloadable materials made it interesting and easy to understand!

Each day I knew what to do and how to do it!


I loved this course and learned so much about how our body works! It’s made me rethink my nutrition in a whole new way.

The whole ‘vibe’ I got from the course felt great - encouraging, positive, manageable and friendly. The coaches were uplifting and, explained things in a way that was simple and encouraging.

It motivated me to think about food and health of my body in a very different way.

Oh, and I love that I could access it on my phone wit the app!


Sign up NOW and save $100!

$127 $47

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Program Details:

  • Specific Meal Plan: Yup, you are going to eat. All day...every 3-4 hours in fact. But don't worry, we will lay it all out for you so there is NOTHING to think about! The 7 days are completely planned out for you...all you have to do is DO IT!
  • Grocery List: Bring the list with you to the grocery store, have everything you need and start the next day! We make this as easy as just have to follow along and enjoy the journey!
  • ​Tips and Troubleshooting: We have tips, resources and troubleshooting guides to cover any issues or questions you may have!
  • Daily Coaching Support: Certified Health Coaches Carrie, Deb and Jess have a video for you each day for tips, support, motivation, encouragement, and more!
  • FREE Community: Our Facebook group community of clients and coaches can support your journey every step of the way!
  • ​BONUS 1:1 Coaching Call! Get a personalized call with our certified coaches to answer questions and plan for next steps past the 7 days!

Got questions?

At Disruptive Nutrition, this journey is about so much MORE than the weight on the scale.

It is all about fueling your body for overall health, mentally, emotionally, and physically… and your pants fitting better? That’s just the icing on the cake! We are on a mission to disrupt the idea that you EVER have to diet again, that you have to deprive yourself to reach your goals, and that your value is in the number on the scale! 

Sign me up!