Katie Balmer
Certified Health Coach, IBNFC
Advanced Training in Mindset Coaching
My Story:
I am so excited to be a part of Disruptive Nutrition! This is the very thing so many of us search for in life, and I feel so lucky to have found it when I am somewhat young-ish.. :) I grew up in a small town in Idaho. I was the "chunky" kid of the family. I was the anomaly in a family of five kids where all of my siblings were slim with zero effort. Even from a young age I noticed it and my confidence suffered. I remember exercising to my Mom's "Sweatin' to the Oldies" video. In Jr High I was walking down the hall to the lunchroom when a kid behind me said, "Look at how fat that girl is!" I knew I was chubby. But then FAT was added to my list of things that I was. Through the years I did the diets and exercising. I was still plump. I got into a really good routine of exercising consistently. I saw a change in my physique and body composition but knew that I was still missing the vital piece of nutrition.
I tried many things I knew couldn't be sustainable. I just wanted to try something, anything, everything! I hoped for a quick fix that wouldn't require too much effort so that I could go back to my old, comfortable habits.
It was π day 2022 and I was still attempting to get new results by way of old habits. After a lot of over-indulging by "sampling" every flavor of pie at the party, I went home severely disappointed in myself. I laid in bed crying with tears dripping into my ears. The next day I ate nothing. I figured if I couldn't figure out what to eat, I just wouldn't eat! There is a cacophony of programs, opinions, articles, etc all over the internet saying they have the answer or the quick fix. I was confused and frustrated. I knew that I needed something sustainable. I knew I needed to be TAUGHT how to eat. I knew I was in desperate need of help to train my entire mindset around food. In my self-prescribed hunger that day I found Carrie's training video. In that video I found hope and the potential answer to my questions. It was backed in science, it was sustainable and even kids could do it! I knew I had found my path!
I have a busy life owning 2 camera stores and a photo adventure company with my husband. This lifestyle is completely complimentary to what I do and I can take it anywhere, anytime. I know how to eat now. My mind is free to focus on other things that I love - like people, reading, riding my bike in the mountains, and searching out the best tacos wherever I go!
Why I am passionate about helping others:
I love talking about dreams and supporting others in achieving theirs. So many people are hurting in various ways. I have my pain, and that helps me relate to your pain even though it's different. I love seeing the lives of others become happier and healthier in every way - emotionally, mentally, physically. I know that I have had huge shifts in the direction of my path by the simple acts or inspired words of others. I love the opportunity to be that someone to others, to help them find their answers so they can show up in the best way for themselves, and then in turn they can give their best to the people they influence.
My favorite nutrition tip:
I'm not on or off plan - I'm on a lifestyle. My next meal is only 3 hours away!
My favorite mindset tip:
Collect data, not guilt!
My favorite sustainability tip:
Consistency is more important than perfection.
[email protected]