Michelle Kramer
Certified Nutrition and Health Coach, IBNFC,
M.A. in Education, B.S. in Cognitive Science
Advanced Training in Mindset Coaching
My Story:
Have you ever been told you're “just big-boned?” My brother likes to joke that our family are “big-pants-people.” Growing up thinking my slow metabolism was my ill-fate, set me up to think my health and weight would always be a challenge. Having this kind of disempowered mindset reinforced by all the elder women in my family did not help my self-image or confidence. I was extremely self-conscious for so many years of my life.
For years I worked out strenuously, eating nothing but greens, feeling exhausted and worse, feeling miserable and waking up depressed some days. I studied all sorts of nutritional approaches and tried everything. I thought I knew it all. Then, just as I was beginning to experience the additional joy of menopause and was ready to give up completely on the idea of ever feeling or looking good, I was told there was a way I could speed up my metabolism. I did not believe it, but at this point, I had nothing to lose.
Disruptive Nutrition taught me a whole new way of living and loving myself. Way more than just learning how to eat, I learned how to take care of myself without struggle, suffering or misery. I learned I could speed up my metabolism and feel better than I ever had in my entire life while enjoying the foods I love (chocolate, wine, pizza).
Now, I wake up each morning with energy and confidence, knowing that I am living the life that was meant for me. I want to help as many people as possible discover freedom from food so they too can spend their time living their best life!
Why I am passionate about helping others:
I want everyone to find freedom from food and have the energy to live their best lives!
My favorite nutrition tip:
Put everything on top of a pile of greens and add a handful of spinach to your shakes for bonus nutrition!
My favorite mindset tip:
SNAP - Stop, notice, ask, pivot
My favorite sustainability tip:
Prepare to be unprepared–I double the healthy recipes I love and freeze a few servings for when I am not as prepared as I want to be or just feel lazy.
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: coach_michellek