Nicole Bentkowski
Certified Health Coach, IBNFC
Advanced Training in Mindset Coaching
My Story:
I am so excited to be here and support you through your journey of disrupting everything you know about nutrition. I am 38 years old, mother of two little ones, wife and have been in the education field for 14 years. I love cooking and love food! I have always been healthy and athletic. I enjoy reading, playing volleyball and love to exercise. Well, let’s be honest, I don’t love to exercise, but I love how exercising makes me feel. I pride myself in being a kick but kind of girl who can “do it all.”
After my pregnancies and nursing, I let my nutrition go down the tubes. I took on more responsibilities at work, my mind started slipping, I was getting short tempered with my hubby and kiddos and I felt exhausted, mentally, physically and spiritually. I thought it was the cost I paid for trying to “have it all.” During my self-neglecting state, I had three deaths in my family within a year and a half. I was ignoring my body. I finally fell ill for about 6 weeks, sicker than I had ever been. My body couldn’t fight off a simple infection. Being stuck in bed and watching my husband try to “take care of the kids” and my mother coming to help give baths, I knew I had to do something.
Looking back, I can now say that I was slipping into a depression. Luckily, I made the choice to serve ME, my body and my needs. I did the 4W2W LIfestyle Launch with Disruptive Nutrition. A long story short, after getting my health coach certification I joined the team as a coach and want to support others in their journey. Disruptive Nutrition gave me my life back, better than ever!
Why I am passionate about helping others:
My purpose on this earth is to serve others. I am a lifelong learner and teach my daughters this mindset. I believe that you should constantly be working on yourself and learning about yourself and bettering yourself. I know that when I aim at the highest goal that I could inspire others to do the same and if we all do better on earth, imagine what a great place it could become!
My favorite nutrition tip:
Treat your gut like your teeth: Take your prebiotics daily and do your 4W2W detox every 6 months.
My favorite mindset tip:
Everyday is Monday
My favorite sustainability tip:
Consistency over perfection
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: coach_nicole_marie