Michele Phillips
Certified Health and Nutrition Coach
Advanced Training in Mindset Coaching
My Story:
I am an empty nester who lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I work full time from home as the Administrator of Ministerial Services of the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church. My journey of health and wellness has been a long one. I have struggled with my weight and a slow metabolism since I was in elementary school. My mother put me on a diet in the sixth grade.That is where the yo-yo dieting and obsession to lose weight began. I have spent my life on the roller coaster of losing and gaining weight over and over again. I have tried just about every diet out there. Just before I turned 50 I decided the second half of my life was not going to be that way. I started exercising regularly and watching what I was eating. In fact I was tracking my meals. I lost 15lbs and was in the best shape of my life. I still wasn’t feeling great and I was hungry all of the time. I would binge eat and then feel guilty. Slowly, despite my consistency in working out and eating healthy 80 % of the time, the weight was creeping back up. It wasn’t until I happened to stumble across a Facebook ad from Carrie talking about PFC every 3 that things began to change. The fact that I could eat every three hours is what inspired me to dig a little deeper into this program. After three months of dabbling in the program I decided to invest in the program and invest in myself. It was during that time I noticed more mind clarity, my energy level had increased, my cravings were gone and I started to see some weight loss. My skin looks amazing. I was so excited about what I was experiencing and seeing I had to become a coach so that I could share this information with others.
Why I am passionate about helping others:
I am passionate about helping others because I know this lifestyle works! I want others to get off the yo yo dieting train and get rid of the control food has over them so that they can live life to the fullest.
My favorite nutrition tip:
Keep it simple.
My favorite mindset tip:
Reframe your thinking from I can’t to I can!!
My favorite sustainability tip:
Always have plenty of PFC’s prepped/pre-packaged and ready to go.
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: Michelephillips4