Episode 216: Enneagram Ashton Part 2

 Carrie is back with Part 2 of our Enneagram Ashton series. If you missed Part #1, you can catch up anytime on the Disruptive Nutrition website. During Part 1, we met Enneagram Ashton and introduced the concept of the Enneagram. This week, we’re diving into types 5-9 and sharing how you can learn even more by discovering your own Enneagram type. To be the healthiest version of ourselves, we have to truly understand ourselves. Our motivations, our fears, our triggers and the Enneagram is one of the most comprehensive in-depth tools for this! Remember, self-awareness leads to true health.

Ashton’s book, "The Enneagram Made Simple," is a fantastic resource for those just starting out, and her social media presence offers ongoing insights and support. You can also learn more about the 9 types or determine yours with Enneagram Ashton here: https://disruptivenutrition.info/enneagram. Listen in!