Episode 145 Disordered Eating...in ourselves and our kids


Stop what you’re doing right now, this is an incredibly emotional episode! You may have noticed a theme lately, but we are really diving into it today and it’s about to get very real and very personal. We’re going to talk about disordered eating, not just in ourselves, but in our kids. Spoiler alert, you are going to need a box of tissues. Did you know that 74% of women reported having disordered eating!? That’s a huge percentage!!!  Our own disordered eating may be something we think we are hiding from our kids, but our kids are noticing everything and are being influenced in our household on a regular basis.

Join Carrie and special guest, teenager, Annika as they both share their personal stories of disordered eating:

  • 1 in 5 kids show signs of disordered eating. 
  • Disordered eating is defined as having an inappropriate obsession with food and your body, and the belief that food needs to be restricted or having a fear of food, in order to look a certain way
  • DN is announcing a very special podcast Diet Disruptors for Teens designed to change and empower an entire generation and reduce the impact of the societal pressures of food and body image on our youth


Carrie recently completed an interview on the TODAY Show on this exact topic and if you haven’t listened already, it’s imperative that you do now!

Here is the link:TODAY Show Interview

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