Episode 12: Holiday Tips: No Saving Up!
Well, the holidays are upon us which means we can start to see the end of a tough year! But we don’t have to let the holidays derail our goals AND in fact, we can THRIVE throughout them! Coach Carrie is joined this month by Coach Jess, and they are going to share tips each week so you can do just that during the holiday season! In this episode, they talk about managing your day when you KNOW you are going to indulge at night...and it’s likely NOT what you were thinking you should do! And they have a special offer at the very end, so stay tuned! They explore...
- Being Intentional Going into the Holidays
- The Mistakes we Make
- The Importance of Tuning into Your Body
- Our Holiday Tip!
- The Joys of a Boosted Metabolism
- Special Offers and Gifts!
Learn more about making good nutrition a sustainable lifestyle by heading over to Facebook to interact with Carrie and her team! We answer questions, share timely and relevant information, and even share our grocery store finds! You can find us by going to www.facebook.com/groups/dietdisruptors! Be sure to subscribe to this podcast to learn more as Carrie and her coaches continue to disrupt everything you THOUGHT you knew about nutrition!
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