Episode 47: Rocking Your Summer Vacations!

Episode #47

Coach Carrie JUST got back from a bunch of small vacations and Coach Stacie is going on vacation, so they are coming at you this week in our next episode, with tips on how to have a ton of fun while still rocking your goals! They discuss…


  • Mindsets Going into Summer & Vacations
  • Summer/Vacation Tips!
  • Where are YOUR summer plans?


Learn more about making good nutrition a sustainable lifestyle by heading over to Facebook to interact with Carrie and her team! We answer questions, share timely and relevant information, and even share our grocery store finds! You can find us by going to www.facebook.com/groups/dietdisruptors! Be sure to subscribe to this podcast to learn more as Carrie and her coaches continue to disrupt everything you THOUGHT you knew about nutrition!

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