Episode 59: Avoiding the Pit

Episode #59

So today’s episode is a bit different than what we typically do! Last week Carrie was asked to deliver training to thousands of people as part of the Nitro Nutrition movement she talked about in her last podcast episode.


Nitro Nutrition is a movement that we have started with health pros around the world to bring the foundation of our approach to the world!  In a proud partnership with the Kyani product line and celebrity nutritionist Mark Macdonald, we are helping people everywhere win with their food and their bodies.


Carrie’s training was met with so much praise that we thought we would share it with you right here on today’s episode.  Learn The Top 5 Pitfalls To Avoid That Are Keeping You From Achieving Your Health Goals!


Grab the worksheet to take notes as you listen → https://disruptivenutrition.com/avoidthepit


Carrie will discuss these FIVE common pitfalls and how to avoid them…


1. Falling into the pit of ourselves


2. Falling into the pit of focusing on the wrong metrics


3. Falling into the pit of all of nothing


4. Falling into the pit of feelings


5. Falling into the pit of following the trends


Learn more about making good nutrition a sustainable lifestyle by heading over to Facebook to interact with Carrie and her team!  We answer questions, share timely and relevant information, and even share our grocery store finds!  You can find us by going to www.facebook.com/groups/dietdisruptors!  Be sure to subscribe to this podcast to learn more as Carrie and her coaches continue to disrupt everything you THOUGHT you knew about nutrition!

 Book a FREE call with one of our coaches https://www.disruptivenutrition.com/training

Sponsor: 12 Week Trifecta Transformation: https://training.disruptivenutrition.com/free-training-registration